Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Voices inside like I'm never alone
Yet when they are gone I'm alright.
Soon they come back, in my mind make thier home
I feel like I'm drowning, no light.
I know I'm not crazy and will soon be okay
But the pain is so deep and the feelings are real
And simetimes one second is more like a day
Wish I could turn off and no longer feel.
Traped in my head is the way it seems
When anger and joy rule my brain
Like an old attic with cobwebs on beams
Yet then they are gone washed in rain.

To our Soldiers

Sitting here trying to hold back the tears
As I think about people who all through the years
Have braved through trails and over come fears
Those namesless figures with the unkown faces
In far away countrys and such distant places
The tankers and bobmers and hight flying aces.
These days thier faces arent namesless at all
Their Franklyn and Thomas, Joshua and Paul
All people who heard it and answered the call
My family, my neighbors, best friends, new brothers
Who'd all be home safe if I had my drothers
Though I hear them saying, just like many others
"I'm needed here now, Lord please protect me.
Never forget us when down on your knee
Someday I'll be home, when these people are free."
They come back as men, though the left us as boys
Not soon gone the days, of playing with toys
The laughter and singing replaced by the noise
Of loud gunshots ringing, of fires and pain
Homesickness and sadness all for the gain
To make sure the others died not in vain
Lord give them courage, and strenghthen each hear
tThough from all thier families, they are now apart
Help those that love You, show how great though art
Be with my friends, God, who fight now for You.
Remind them in Your name, all things they must do.
And make sure they know, that we love them too

2am July 14th