Monday, November 17, 2008


I love it! :D

Work is going well. In the past two weeks I have worked over 60 hours!! This may not seem a big deal to some, but to me anymore, it is. True, I use to work 80 hours in a two week period while at Meijer, but that was before! Nearly two years ago, they didn't think I could work more than 15 hours a week!!

I have not had the time to do much blogging lately, other than my AHL countdown posts, and yet now that I have a day off and can update.....I can't think much of what I had wanted to say.

My boss was really cool, and gave me Friday off this week!! YAY. I asked to just be out by one, which is normally not a problem anyway as I am often off that time. However, we are opening up a new store where the start hours are later than mine now {I start at 5 and 6 in the morning. The new store does not open till 8 or 9 being as it is in the mall} so I was worried that I might work there and not get out when I needed to. Now that I have the entire day off, I can go grocery shopping with everyone before it is time to take off for the game.

As of right now, I have two weeks of camp paid for!!! I am so excited! I see no problem in reaching my half way goal by the end of the year, which means I have even more time to earn the last half in the new year, meaning I will have extra money for the unseen things or any emergencies that come up! I was also worried that I was not going to have any money for Christmas, which also does not look like it is going to be the case. It is going to be a smaller Christmas, as far as the price tag on the gifts I buy, but I am not going to have to trim my gift list or boycott the gift giving all together like I had worried. This just means I get to be more creative with my ideas....always a fun thing! I have already begun making some gifts, so I hope those of you on my list appreciate hand made things!

The Ducks won their game last night, and the goalie got his first NHL career shut out! GO HILLER!! "Doin the Hiller shuffle!!"

Wow...I should have so much more to say,,,and I don't.

I shall have to wait for the future....just FOUR DAYS!!

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