Sunday, January 04, 2009

A big mess

You know how, in order to clean UP a mess, you have to make a bigger mess? Yeah...well, my problem is I get to where the mess I am cleaning up has gotten way bigger, and I decide I no longer feel like cleaning.

This is where I find myself at this very moment.

The hockey game was not televised by either team tonight, so we ended up listening to it on the radio. {meaning I was pretty much lost for 73% of the time, as I do not do well listening to a game.....I need to watch it. "Wha? They got a goal? When? Who was on the ice? How did my D-man do? He got hurt? When? Ha ha, biscuit!" is not a pretty sight. This is why I love Center Ice. But anyway!} So as I was listening to the game, I began what I thought was harmless pick up of my desk. However, in order to get the trash heap off my desk and put in the proper places, I must clean out those places from the trash that I piled in them the LAST time I cleared off my desk.

Somehow, this lead me to not only cleaning off the top of my desk, but also the containers I have on one of my desk shelves, all the little drawers and such on my desk, AND my shelves in the furnace room. At this very moment, the bottom shelf of my desk is empty with everything laying on the floor instead, I have an entire garbage bag full of junk to be taken out in the morning {"Or....probably not." Yay for hockey related quotes at 11pm!} I have found the necklace set I made for a friend......a friend I see very little......a friend who was here just a few days ago and yet I managed to NOT be able to find it while she was a here, I have about three years of letters and cards from one of my best friends, all nicely filed and in order now, the furnace room shelves are reorganized and looking good.....but my desk top is a mess.

My desk top is a mess, and I want to go to bed.

But I have a pile of stuff behind me that needs to be put away.

A pile of stuff I have been ignoring for the past twenty minutes as I visit all the usual sites, update my status at facebook and myspace, check hockey scores, and write a useless blog.

A pile of stuff that really is suppose to be back in my desk, so that I can go to bed.

A pile of stuff I can not leave there.

Have you ever, while cleaning up, found something that you remember buying, but have no clue why? I found something like that tonight. Six dice. Different dice, of different shapes, sizes and colours. A purchase I remember making about three years ago, but do not know why as I have NEVER had the occasion to use these six numbered...well I would call them cubed but they are not all that shape! I mean really, what do I need with a blue marble die that has numbers like 20, 50, and 90? I got them at a gaming shop when it was going out of business. Why was I not stopped by the people shopping with me?

And now they sit, on my desk, as I ignore a pile of stuff and junk behind my desk.

And I am sniffing from the dust I have kicked up while cleaning.

Ah, what a mess.

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