Friday, January 01, 2010


It was pointed out to me a week or two ago, that my blog has not been updated in oh, awhile?! heh. It’s been some time.

I have begun a post 87 and a half times in my head, like I often do. Things just never seeemed to get to the keyboard. I either always felt like they were too insignificant to blog about, or too important to take only a few moments on, or just could not find the time to actually dedicate to a proper blog post. Well…then there is the laziness factor. Yep, sometimes I really have to say it just came down to being too lazy to post anything.

However, given that it is a new year, I thought it a good idea to at least show some life is left in my blogs, and post an update of some sort or another. Since it has been all the way since September since I last hit the “add new” button on these things, the 87 and a half test writes have all but melted from my brain!

So much has happened and changed since I got back to the States many months ago! So much, in fact, I really don’t even know where to start or what to say!

Perhaps the next 87 and a half times will actually make it into a blog!

Hope everyone had an awesome start to their 2010!!

Until next time….I’m out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! This helped a lot! I've read several
rather confusing websites lately, this cleared up a lot confusion I had.